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busy Friday with friends - 1 patient, 5 doctors, 13 implants...


Pin implants - (#needles_of_Scialom) invented by a french dentist Jacques Scialom in the1960s are stil valid and most predictable alternative to bone graft , crestal split, GBR, etc.for thin ridge


#tramonte_type_screw - today... using an adequate implant to available bone.
dzisiaj naszym pacjentem był youtuber @Adam Szczygielski, który zgodził się na publikację wizerunku. Panie Adamie, dziękujemy za zaufanie i razem z Panem cieszymy się z już uzyskanych efektów.


#Tuberopterygoid implant- Garbaccio the father of bicorticalism in dental implantology was the first to describe it 50 years ago.





Pin implants - (#needles_of_Scialom) invented by a french dentist Jacques Scialom in the 1960s are stil valid and most predictable alternative to bone graft , crestal split, GBR, etc. for thin ridge.


The power of #INTRAORAL_WELDING invented 50 years ago by Italian dentist PL Mondani


Italian dentist Manlio Formiggini was the first to describe implant placement in fresh alveolar socket 73 years ago...
Italian dentist Stefano Tramonte was the first to use TITANIUM in implantology in 1970s...










Tubero-pterygoid implant - Garbaccio- the father of bicorticalism in dental implantology was the first to described it 50 years ago.


thanks to this achievements of the Italian Implantology School from 1960s we can avoid the major grafting procedures, biomaterials, etc....


As the New Year is the time for reflections and summaries, wishing all my colleagues a Happy New Year and patients as happy as mine, I would like to present a short overview of 2019 upper arch rehabilitation procedures.
1) Number of patients: 29 patients in 2019 underwent this procedure in my office: 2 with edentulous maxilla and 27 with compromised, residual teeth requiring extraction (including 5 with genetic susceptibility to periodontis).
2) Number of implants: 347 implants placed in total (average of 11,96 implant per upper arch): 283 Garbaccio, 46 Tramonte, and 18 Scialom type.


As the New Year is the time for reflections and summaries, wishing all my colleagues a Happy New Year and patients as happy as mine, I would like to present a short overview of 2019 upper arch rehabilitation procedures.
1) Number of patients: 29 patients in 2019 underwent this procedure in my office: 2 with edentulous maxilla and 27 with compromised, residual teeth requiring extraction (including 5 with genetic susceptibility to periodontis).
2) Number of implants: 347 implants placed in total (average of 11,96 implant per upper arch): 283 Garbaccio, 46 Tramonte, and 18 Scialom type.

13.12.2019 first Garbaccio screw 2013 and today...


today's work- first step , upper arch rehabilitation...


...this is how to avoid advanced major grafting procedures...


Bone regeneration around bicortical implants.
This patient was told he had to undergo bone regeneration/graft before having his lateral incisor replaced with an implant. Further, he would have to have tooth 48 removed. As he came to my office and asked for minimally invasive solution I decided to perform immediate post-extraction implant placement with immediate loading and hemissection of 48 to achieve full rehabilitation with bridge (on patient request). I hadn't seen this patient for 4 years until the day when he brought his wife for a procedure. It was for years without any dentists control. In spite of that we can observe spectacular bone regeneration. This is why periimplantitis never occures in bicortical implantology...


Importance of bicortical (multicortical) stabilisation.
Multicortically engagaged two-piece implant.
This patient came to my office for new fixed teeth. I found that there was only one stabile element between compromised teeth and unstabile bridges- perfectly multicortically engaged two piece implant placed about 5 years ago in another office , so far without any signs of periimplantitis. Although I can assume that at the time of placing that implant the occlusion was stable, the condition changed and the question arrises- would this implant still be perfectly stabile if it was submerged in spongy bone?
Sharing my own experience as far as one piece implants I can say that if you use “adequate implant to available bone”(as my mentor dr Tomasz Grotowski would say) according to bicortical concept described by Dino Garbaccio in the 1970s you can ensure 99,5 succes rate in 5 years observation.



Young man - as a teenager underwent treatment of totally, traumatically luxated incisors. Recently lost his central incisor together with labial plate.
Asked for a minimally invasive replacement of missing tooth. We found that the lateral incisor had to be extracted as well. After 2hours the patient went home with new teeth.


when you come across a SEVERE BONE ATROPHY...


...NO BONE? - today first step- upper arch rehabilitation


young patient with genetic susceptibility to PERIODONTITIS...


#intraoralwelding #TITANIUM_gr2_
minimally invasive technique of the 1970s to avoid surgical procedures of the XXI century..
How to utilise the capacity of the existing bone avoiding unnecessary advanced and complicated major grafting procedures


This young woman had been using removable prosthesis for 10 years.
Today after 2 hours procedure she left with new tooth and she wont feel pain nor swelling during the postoperative period.
Thanks to the achievements of the #Italian_implantology_school such case can be solved without bone graft, ridge distraction etc
"when possible one should avoid unnecessary and complicated major grafting procedures..."
Prof. Per-Ingwar Braenemark
….food for thought: what would you personally chose for yourself?


Maxillary lateral incisors agenesis - bone response - 3 years after implant placement


This two similar cases we have done today as well as other cases published on our profile prove that, if the short 2threaded TRAMONTE -type screw is anchored bicortically and welded, it can be reliable and predicteable for atrophic bone in distal mandible and maxilla


bicortical concept of Garbaccio for missing distal teeth  replacement - last three month's cases


Replacement of periodontally compromised teeth with Scialom needle implants and Garbaccio screws in case of thin alveolar bone. Thanks to the achievements of the #Italian_implantology_school - SCIALOM, GARBACCIO, PASQUALINI, MONDANI such a complicated case can be solved without bone graft, ridge distraction etc.
"when possible one should avoid unnecessary and complicated major grafting procedures..."
Prof. Per-Ingwar Braenemark


healing of post extraction sites with almost no ridge alterations within 3 months...


Bone regeneration within 14 weeks after immediate post extraction placement of the Garbaccio screw


Ridge alterations using bicortical screws in esthetic postextraction sites?
The patient with #thin_gingival_biotype (less then 1.5mm) and #thin_labial_plate (less then 1mm). 6 months ago- #immediate_post_extraction bicortically, functionally loaded implants placement in #flapless technique, without bone substitutes, barrier membranes, PRF, socket shields... etc.
As you can see there is no bone resorption in vertical dimension. Only a little bone remodelling in horizontal dimension can be noticed


EMERGENCY in daily implantological practice -NO DAY WITHOUT A TOOTH


The MUM mini-implant
Marco Pasqualini thank you for your inspiration!






Bone healing after 12 weeks
more pictures of this case you can see - 19Nov


End effect- more pictures of this case - 27Aug


How to deal with a #THIN_RIDGE without bone substitutes, barrier membranes, bone dystraction, PRF, etc.



PERIODONTITIS PATIENT - immediate post-extraction implant placement (posted 15 July 20180) -

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